Peer-Reviewed Publications
Iwama, D, Bremner, J. (2021). Managing Editors’ Introduction. UCLA Critical Planning Journal Volume 25 (2021): 7-8
Iwama, D., Umemoto, K., and Masuda, K. Calling Nikkei to Empire: Diaspora and trans/nationalism in the redevelopment of historic Little Tokyo. Journal of Historical Geography 74 (2021): 44-54.
Winner of the Association for Asian American Studies' 2022 Outstanding Graduate Student Research Article Award (Social Science Category)
Policy and Public Scholarship
2018: Yellowhead Institute, On the Road to the New Reserve: Considering Canada’s Preferred Path to Land Restitution.
2021: Boston Review, "The Islands Where People Live" (re-titled by BR as The Battle for Okinawa)
** This essay's original title, The Islands Where People Live, was a homage to Shoko Ahagon's chronicle of the same name (ningen no sundeiru shima).